Women of the Military

Amazing military from history (Part 1 - Women's History Series)

Episode Summary

In March, for Women's History Month I did a four part series focused on the history of miltiary women. This is part 1 of the series. Stories of amazing women from history. Starting with the Revolutionary War and going to the 1970s when the first women were pilots. I wanted to highlight the stories of some of the women I have learned about the past six years I have been podcasting.

Episode Notes


Deborah Sampson: https://www.airmantomom.com/2021/03/real-life-mulan-deborah-sampson/
Harriet Tubman: https://www.wearethemighty.com/popular/harriet-tubman-military-leader/
WASP: The Women with Silver Wings: https://www.airmantomom.com/2023/03/women-air-force-service-pilots/
Final Fight, Final Flight: https://www.airmantomom.com/2019/11/women-pilots/
The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line: https://www.airmantomom.com/2020/04/military-women/
6888th: https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/six-triple-eight-female-battalion-all-black/
Pearl Harbor: https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/women-pearl-harbor/
Vietnam: https://www.airmantomom.com/2020/05/world-war-one-to-vietnam/
Wings of Gold: https://www.airmantomom.com/2023/11/female-pilots-in-the-navy/