Does the legacy of service extend from one generation to the next? Do military moms inspire their children to serve in the military? I have always wanted to do a podcast episode with a mom and daughter who served in the military to talk about these questions and I'm excited to have Lita Tomas and Jean Marie McNarman on the show. This week to not only talk about their experiences in the military but also how they each impacted each other lives. It was fun to hear about how Lita's service helped inspire Jean and how they both ended up serving in the same brigade. You can hear more about their experience in the military in their new dual memoir, Lita and Jean. They are also the hosts of Podcast DX. PodcastDX is a weekly interview-based podcast series. Patients provide experience-based medical insight, in a peer-to-peer format.
Mentioned in this episode:
Lita & Jean: Memoir of Two Generations of Military Women
Women of the Military Mentorship Program
A Girl's Guide to Military Service
Check out the full show notes at
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Kevin Barba, Lorraine Diaz
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