Women of the Military

Yoga and Meditation - Sherrell Moore-Tucker

Episode Summary

Sherrell has taken her experience from serving in the military to start her own business focused on Yoga and Meditation. When Sherrell left the military she was struggling with some medical issues and was told about how yoga could help her. Since then she has continued to learn about Yoga and meditation and today she helps others as a Mind-Body Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in the wellness space. She served in the Army for five years and shares her experience this week on the Women of the Military podcast.

Episode Notes

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Sabio Coding Bootcamp is a top-ranked coding Bootcamp that is 100% dedicated to helping smart and highly motivated individuals become exceptional software engineers.  Visit their website www.Sabio.la to learn how you may be able to use your GI Bill benefits to train at Sabio.  Your tuition and a monthly BAH stipend may be paid during your training period. 

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Kevin Barba, Lorraine Diaz

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